Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sitting, Swimming and trying to tear....

William is having a blast in the states! 
He is loving playing at his Deedee and Poppa's! He loves showing off his new skills:)  He is sitting up wonderfully now and moving all around! He is also talking up a storm.  He has mastered "momma", "dadda", "bye-bye", beginning to say "deedee" and "poppa".  They are great encourager's for this:)  It is amazing how much they can move before they can crawl! He is all over the floor and we are already having to kid proof a bunch... at least whatever is behind him:)  
We are also loving the warm weather and swimming in our Hippo Pool! 
Here are just a few pictures of William from the past week or so! 

Look at that smile!
What a water baby! 
The best for last!  This book is amazing!  I don't know how my mom finds these things but, it is a water proof, tear proof, indestructible book!  So far, 24 hours in and it is still in good shape and he is really into tearing paper these days:)   It's pretty impressive!!!

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