Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Well, we are officially state side again.  We are now living in New York City and will be moving to Hoboken on Sept. 1st.  Life sure has been busy and we sure have been blessed many times over.  After many weeks of looking, we have finally found a great apartment.  

It sure has been a busy month and a half in the city.  But, the most important thing in our life and the one that keeps us the busiest is, William.  He is now 10 months a growing like a weed.  He loves music and anything he can get to make noise, he loves to walk with his little walkers, he loves bath time and taking evening walks with mom and dad.  But, one of his favorite things is reading his touchy feely books.  He loves the series: That is not my ______.  By  Fiona Watt.  It is an adorable series and he just loves all of them!!!  He is jabbering up a storm the only words we are sure of right now are Momma and Dada.  But, he looks like everything else he is saying is very important. He is still using his pointer finger to touch everything and to talk to us with while he is jabbering.  He is laughing all the time (which is such an amazing sound) and really using his hands to figure things out. 

The only down fall to all his growing is teething.  We have our two bottom teeth and hopefully the rest will take a break before they come in.  He was such an unhappy camper during the past three weeks and we just felt so bad for him:)

There is so much more but, William is waking up from his nap. So here are just a few pictures of lately!
It was all too much for him!  He passed out in the petting zoo! 


Courtney said...

Precious! That last picture looked like Clayton when I took him to the zoo the other day!

JJ said...

I didn't know that you were moving to NY! We'll have to come visit! Ash's twin lives there and we hope to plan a visit soon! Yay!

Christy Parker said...

Welcome back to the USA!!!! I'm up in the NYC (Jersey burbs) fairly often for work. Would love to see you and Justin and meet William (man, he is a mini-Justin isn't he!).