Thursday, September 9, 2010

A busy couple of weeks.....

I thought I would add a few pictures of our growing little man.  It is so hard to believe that he is ten months old and we are beginning to plan his first birthday party, buying shoes, eating pretty much what we eat, jabbering up a storm, laughing constantly, clapping, waving and sleeping a little better.. It truly is a great time!  Oh, we are also still teething according to the doctor it looks like his two top teeth are getting ready to make an appearance.  Over the past couple weeks we have moved into our apartment and we are still surrounded by boxes.  We decided the moving to Hoboken, NJ would be best for our family.  It is amazing what a different environment it is being a 15 minute PATH ride out from the city. (or 10 or so by car depending on traffic).   Lots more to come soon!  This is just a peak at the past two or three weeks.......
William has loved all the parks in the city!

He is cruising around!
William loves the wind in his hair!!!
Oh, and yummy steak!
The view of NY from Hoboken.
Seriously!!!!  We are moving again!
William's new bed room! Now we are trying to decide what to do in here!  It's his first official room!

Dee Dee came to help us move.  (which was the most amazing blessing)  We also had a little fun too.  We went to a Labor Day street fair in a small town about 10 minutes west of Hoboken. 

1 comment:

JJ said...

so sweet Kristi! he is just so cute. hope the settling in goes well!